One Step@a Time is an online interactive support system to plan and evaluate of drug demand reduction interventions. It has been developed to help plan and evaluate preventive, risk-reducing, harm-reducing, treatment and social inclusion interventions related to drug abuse and dependence.

When designing an intervention, doubts often arise such as: Where do I start? What can be done to improve a drug-related problem that has been detected? Will our actions serve to change this reality? Where can we find the information we need to design the project? Are we doing all right? etc. One Step@a Time is a tool to help address these doubts and alleviate the loneliness that can sometimes be felt when designing a drug demand reduction intervention.

One Step@a Time responds to the need for an instrument that homogenises content, methodologies and practices in the field of drugs demand reduction interventions. In this sense, it is not a manual but a guide that divides the planning process into seven sequential and complementary phases detailing the information, procedures to follow, useful links and tools required to develop a project or intervention. In short, it offers an informative working space for planning.

One Step@a Time integrates the three essential components to plan a drug reduction intervention. It provides information on how to design an intervention, suggests strategies to design your project and allows you to run a basic check on the quality of your intervention plan.

Underpinning the application is the Logic Model for planning, which provides an effective roadmap to plan and evaluate interventions.


One Step@a Time's Logic Model for planning

The Logic Model for planning is a conceptual framework that serves to structure the intervention planning, design and evaluation process. The Logic Model represents a sequence of actions that are essential when planning an intervention and gives them a coherent, sequential and progressive structure aimed at achieving results.

The conceptual map of the Logic Model of planning applied to One Step@a Time includes seven planning stages and is graphically represented as follows:   



When planning an intervention, needs should be identified first, rather than solutions, and the Logic Model of planning responds to precisely this approach. This conceptual framework combines tasks such as collecting relevant information to evaluate the drugs phenomenon in a given territory, using it to make realistic decisions for an intervention, selecting the most effective actions to respond to the needs detected, and evaluating the results achieved.

Systematising planning process tasks contributes to an intervention’s success. However, the structure of the Logic Model of planning does not detract from its flexibility and ability to adapt. The tasks it proposes are generic and allow different types of projects to be created so that the same intervention can be adjusted to a changing reality.



Created by


Conceptual design

Jaume Larriba Montull. Antoni Duran Vinyeta. Teresa Salvador Llivina.


Technical management 

Jaume Larriba Montull.


Consultative board

Alicia Acero Achirica. Gregor Burkhart. Joan Colom Farran. Sonia Moncada Bueno. Gorka Moreno Arnedillo.


Advisory board

Julia Margarita Campos Guevara. Florencia Failache. Danilo Locatelli. Paula Marques. Orlando Scoppetta.


Drafting of texts

Sara Valmayor Safont. Jaume Larriba Montull.



Manuel Araujo Gallego, for his contribution to drafting the content in the definition of the evaluation plan.

Giovanna Campello and UNODC for their permission to include evidence-based adaptations and summaries of guidelines of the document International Standards on Drug Use Prevention.

Gabriela Olivera, for her initial contribution and collaboration in the programme.


Lorenzo Sánchez Pardo, for his contribution and collaboration when drafting the content on theoretical models of drug demand reduction and evidence-based recommendations for use in practice.

Josep M Suelves Joanxich, for his contribution and collaboration drafting the content on needs assessment.


Web development

Pandora Comunicació Audiovisual


Edited by

Execution and Coordination Body (ECB), COPOLAD.


Clauses Ad cautelam, clarifications and exemptions

The interactive planning system One Step @ a Time is a technical support tool to design social and health policies and programs on drug demand reduction. It has been developed within the framework of the Cooperation Programme between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union on Drugs Policy (COPOLAD), based at Calle Beatriz de Bobadilla 18, planta 3, 28040, Madrid. Owner: International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies. Registered office: Calle Beatriz de Bobadilla 18, 28040 Madrid, Spain. Tel.: +34 91 591 46 00 Fax: +34 91 534 23 14. Registration data: registered in the Foundations Registry No. MAD-398. CIF [company tax code]: G 82053851. Email address for COPOLAD:

The views or positions expressed in this planning tool are the sole responsibility of the authors (PDS) and editors (Executive and Coordination Body [ECB] of COPOLAD Consortium), and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the European Commission.

Considering that respect for the environment is one of the framework COPOLAD values, the Consortium is committed to organise its activities taking into account its impact on the environment, particularly CO2 emissions. Therefore, whenever possible during execution of the Programme, virtual activities and communications have been prioritised and the use of recyclable material is recommended.



© FIIAPP International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies.