STAGE 2. Analysing feasibility

What steps should be completed?

Step 3: Assess the community environment


Social capital consists of the people, groups, social networks, coalitions or other units involved in the education, social, family, health, sports, religious, business, mass media, public administration, local government, security forces, third sector or other fields, that may be interested in the problem and collaborate in the intervention to be implemented in the region.

It is advisable to analyse social capital because interventions carried out jointly with other organisations, sectors and/or agents in that particular environment offer greater certainty of execution, sustainability and efficacy. The characteristics that should be explored include: perceptions of drug use and related problems, previous experience with interventions and collaboration, motivation and intention to participate in the intervention and expectations about the actions that should be carried out. 

In respect to this section, it can also be very useful to assess the level of connection and collaboration between your organisation and the social capital in your area.