STAGE 5. Defining the action plan

What steps should be completed?

Step 1: Specify intervention actions


Intervention materials can be printed (information leaflet, poster, activity manual, etc.), audiovisual (educational video, short film, advertising spot, etc.) or digital (websites, blogs, etc.), but in all cases should meet a number of requirements:

  • Conforming to the needs and characteristics of the population, and being attractive to the population. 
  • Having previously identified, very clearly, what behaviours they intended to promote, or dissuaded.
  • Containing information that is understandable and relevant to the population targeted.
  • Ensuring that the information is objective (scientifically valid) and that it is updated, avoiding any attempt to manipulate or coerce with its contents or messages.
  • Making sure that messages are consistent with the values and expectations of the population to whom the material is addressed, and that they are not susceptible to potential misinterpretation.

Materials can be designed especially for the intervention or adapted from materials used in other interventions with the same objectives and working with the same population. However, the criteria above should be taken into account in both cases. It also is highly desirable to carry out a pilot test with the target population in both cases, to determine acceptability, relevance and understanding. The results of the pilot will serve to improve the material before mass editing and dissemination.

Information on adapting programmes can be found at the following link to the EMCDDA:

Materials used to record and document the intervention, such as registration sheets, evaluation self-reports and measuring instruments are a special type of material and form a part of the intervention’s preparatory actions and follow-up.