STAGE 4. Selecting the theoretical approach
What steps should be completed?
Step 1: Select the theoretical approach or approaches on which the intervention will be based
These include several modalities that have been classified into three major categories: classical psychoanalysis, dynamic or analytical psychotherapy (brief, focal or standard) and analytical group psychotherapy.1 The most popular psychodynamic counselling therapies in the treatment of addictive behaviours are:
Luborsky's support-expressive therapy2
This is based on the premise that psychopathological disorders, including addictions, are related to disorders in interpersonal functioning. Framed in the field of brief dynamic therapies, this therapeutic approach pays special attention to analysis of the relationship between feelings-behaviour and drugs. Two practical strategies that originate in this therapy also apply to other therapeutic approaches: support techniques to help people feel comfortable when they talk about their personal experiences and expressive techniques to help them identify and resolve interpersonal relationships issues.
Interpersonal therapy2
This is a brief, focused and time-limited psychotherapy model (approach), originally designed to treat depression. It is a largely unstructured and more exploratory approach to intervention. When used to treat addictive disorders, it focuses on strategies to stop consumption and to improve personal functioning.
1 Yllá L. (2005). Psicoanálisis y psicoterapias de orientación analítica [Analytical psychoanalysis and psychotherapy]. In: Vallejo J and Leal C. Tratado de Psiquiatría [Treatise on Psychotherapy], vol. 2). Barcelona: Ars Medica. pp. 1996–2011
2 Becoña E & Cortés T. (coords.). (2008). Guía clínica de intervención psicológica en adicciones. Guías clínicas Socidrogalcohol basadas en la evidencia científica [Clinical guide to psychological intervention in addictions. Socidrogalcohol clinical guides based on scientific evidence]. Barcelona: Socidrogalcohol.
© COPOLAD. Cooperation Programme between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union on Drugs Policies.