STAGE 4. Selecting the theoretical approach

What steps should be completed?

STEP 2: Revise the objectives of the intervention in light of the implications of the theoretical approach adopted

It is possible that reviewing the theoretical approaches (those included in this application and other models you know) may have confused you. Do not worry, this effect is normal. Consulting information clarifies, but also raises new questions and causes us to rethink ideas. In fact, we can improve and learn through this mechanism.

In this step, it can be very useful to reflect and write down ideas that will help you to connect the practical tools in the theoretical approaches with the purpose of your intervention. When you organise your possible initial confusion, you will very likely obtain a promising result because you have broadened the perspective of your project, and particularly its objectives.

Reviewing theoretical approaches is intended to help you confirm the adequacy of your objectives. This will possibly lead you to modify some that you had already defined, and even question their realism and consider whether some derive from others. Using this information you may wish to review the information in step 3 of One Step@a Time in relation to programme objectives (and tasks if you have already used the application to formulate you intervention’s objectives) and make the relevant changes. See stage 3

If you wish, you can consult a series of guidelines to connect the benefits of the theoretical approaches with formulation of the objectives. +

Finally, it is advisable to explain the choice of theoretical approach and justify the models (approaches) that you will take into account in your intervention. You may not know how to do this, but it is just a matter of writing down the ideas that have arisen from the theoretical approaches to guide your intervention and explain why you believe that you will achieve the desired changes in the population through your objectives. +