STAGE 5. Defining the action plan

What steps should be completed?

Step 1: Specify intervention actions


This type of intervention aims to improve teaching skills related to class (classroom) management and student behaviour, helping students in the socialisation process and in adopting appropriate behavioural guidelines for learning in school. To do this, the teachers incorporate into the daily class routine (with all students) a series of procedures that differ from orders and instructions, to encourage the students to acquire prosocial behaviours and prevent or reduce inappropriate behaviours in class.

Interventions of this kind reduce behavioural problems, including disruptive and aggressive behaviour, in the classroom significantly, and improve the students’ prosocial behaviour and academic performance.

The following factors are associated with this type of intervention functioning correctly:

  • Implementing these programmes in the early school years.
  • Including strategies for students to recognise and identify appropriate behaviours and understand how to cope with inappropriate behaviour.
  • Incorporating feedback mechanisms to adjust student expectations.
  • Encouraging active commitment by the students.


* Based on International Standards on Drug Use Prevention (UNODC):